Datasets from the Sensors group
All Sensors Group datasets, unless otherwise noted, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
November 2024: We are moving our datasets from ResilioSync sharing to ETH Research Collections.
DAVIS camera sample data
Brief description: Various DAVIS camera sample data files to play with. Google drive.
Citation: T. Delbruck, "DAVIS24: DAVIS Event Camera Sample Data", Available:
Dynamic Vision Sensor Disdrometer 2022
Brief Description: Data and code for measuring raindrop size and speed with DVS event camera. Google drive.
Citation: Micev, Kire, Jan Steiner, Asude Aydin, Jörg Rieckermann, and Tobi Delbruck. 2024. “Measuring Diameters and Velocities of Artificial Raindrops with a Neuromorphic Event Camera.” Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. doi:10.5194/amt-17-335-2024.
DeNoising Dynamic vision sensors 2021
Contributors: Shasha Guo, Tobi Delbruck
Brief Description: Data and code for denoising background activity. Google drive.
Citation: S. Guo and T. Delbruck, “Low Cost and Latency Event Camera Background Activity Denoising,”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (T-PAMI), 2022.
Event Driven Optical Flow Camera
Contributors: Min Liu, Tobi Delbruck
Brief Description: Data and code for benchmarking DVS optical flow. Google drive and fork of EV-FlowNet.
Citation: Liu, Min, and Tobi Delbruck. 2022. “EDFLOW: Event Driven Optical Flow Camera with Keypoint Detection and Adaptive Block Matching.” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.

MVSEC nighttime driving labeled cars
Contributors: Yuhuang Hu
Brief Description: Labeled nighttime driving cars from MVSEC. Github.
Citation Y. Hu, S. C. Liu, and T. Delbruck, “v2e: From video frames to relistic DVS event camera streams,” in 2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW) 2021.

A dataset for multi-channel, multi-device speech separation and speech enhancement
Contributors: E. Ceolini, I. Kiselev, S. Liu
Brief Description: Recordings from Ad-Hoc Wireless Acoustic Network using 4 modules of the WHISPER platform. Zenodo.
Citation: Ceolini, Enea, Ilya Kiselev, and Shih-Chii Liu. 2020. “Evaluating Multi-Channel Multi-Device Speech Separation Algorithms in the Wild: A Hardware-Software Solution.” *IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing* 28: 1428–1439. doi:10.1109/TASLP.2020.2989545.
DAVIS Driving Dataset 2020
Brief Description: Dataset contains recordings from DAVIS346 camera from driving scenarios primarily on highways along with ground truth car data such as speed, steering, GPS, etc. Compared with DDD17, an additional 41h of DAVIS driving data has been collected and organized. It includes mountain, highway, freeway, freeway, day and night driving including difficult glare conditions. See DDD20 website. Updated to ETH Research Collection.
DAVIS Driving Dataset 2017
Contributors: J. Binas, D. Neil, S-C. Liu, and T. Delbruck
See DDD17 dataset
DVS Human Pose Estimation
Contributors: S. Skriabine, G. Taverni, F. Corradi, L. Longinotti, K. Eng, and T. Delbruck
Chris Schmidt, Marc Bolliger,Balgrist University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland
Brief Description: Dataset contains synchronized Recordings from 4 DAVIS346 cameras with Vicon marker ground
truth from 17 subjects doing repeated motions. Updated to ETH Research Collection.
Citation: Calabrese, E.*, Taverni, G.*, Easthope, C., Skriabine, S., Corradi, F., Longinotti, L., Eng, K., and Delbruck, T. "DHP19: Dynamic Vision Sensor 3D Human Pose Dataset". CVPR Workshop on Event-based Vision and Smart Cameras, Long Beach, CA, USA, 2019. (or see this PDF version)

Contributors: SC Liu, T Delbruck
Brief Description: Recordings of complete TIDIGITS audio dataset from DAS1 binaural 64x2 channel silicon cochlea. Dropbox share.
Inquire about collaboration possibilities
Citation: “Feature representation for neuromorphic spike streams" J. Anumula, D. Neil, T. Delbruck, and S-C. Liu Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2018.
VISUALISE Predator/Prey Dataset
(was PRED16)
D. P.Moeys and T. Delbruck
Brief Description: Dataset contains recordings from a DAVIS240 camera mounted on a computer-controlled robot (the predator) that chases and attempts to capture another human-controlled robot (the prey). Updated to ETH Research Collection.
RoShamBo Rock Scissors Paper game DVS dataset
Brief description: Dataset is recorded from ~20 persons each showing the rock, scissors and paper symbols for about 2m each with a variety of poses, distances, positions, left/right hand. Data is also included for background consisting of sensor noise, bodies, room, etc. Altogether 5M 64x64 DVS images of constant event count (0.5k, 1k, 2k events) with left right flipping augmentation are included. Updated to ETH Research Collection.
Citation: "Live Demonstration: Convolutional Neural Network Driven by Dynamic Vision Sensor Playing RoShamBo", I-A. Lungu, F. Corradi, and T. Delbruck, in 2017 IEEE Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2017) (Baltimore, MD, USA), 2017.
DVS Datasets for Object Tracking,Action Recognition and Object Recognition
Contributors: Y. Hu, H. Liu, M. Pfeiffer, and T. Delbruck
Brief Description: Dataset contains recordings from DVS on multiple object datasets. Zenodo.
VOT Challenge 2015 Dataset (Single Target Object Tracking)
TrackingDataset (Single Target Object Tracking)
UCF50 Action Recognition Dataset (Action Recognition)
Caltech-256 Object Recognition (Object Recognition)
Citation: "DVS Benchmark Tracking Datasets for object tracking, action recognition, and object recognition," Y. Hu, H. Liu, M. Pfeiffer, and T. Delbruck, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2016.
DVS/DAVIS Optical Flow Dataset
Contributors: B. Rueckauer and T. Delbruck
Brief Description: DVS optical flow dataset contains samples of a scene with boxes, moving sinusoidal gratings, and a rotating dis The ground truth comes from the camera's IMU rate gyro. Google drive.
Citation: "Evaluation of Algorithm for Normal Optical Flow from Dynamic Vision Sensors", B. Rueckauer and T. Delbruck, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2015.
DVS128 Dynamic Vision Sensor Silicon Retina Data
Contributors:T. Delbruck
Brief Description: DVS recordings from DVS128 camera from multiple scenarios: Juggling, sunglasses, driving, edges and patterns, walking from lab, spinning dot, 3 days of mouse activity, cars on 210 freeway in Pasadena. Google drive.
Citation: Delbruck, T. (2008). Frame-free dynamic digital vision. in Proceedings of Intl. Symp. on Secure-Life Electronics (Tokyo, Japan: University of Tokyo), 21–26.
Datasets from collaborators with Sensors Group:
Event Camera Dataset and Simulator for Pose Estimation, Visual Odometry, and SLAM from the RPG group at UZH:
Paper: The Multi Vehicle Stereo Event Camera Dataset from our collaborators at UPenn. As described in Zhu, A. Z., Thakur, D., Ozaslan, T., Pfrommer, B., Kumar, V., and Daniilidis, K. (2018). The Multi Vehicle Stereo Event Camera Dataset: An Event Camera Dataset for 3D Perception. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 1–1. doi:10.1109/LRA.2018.2800793.