Funded Research Projects
Ongoing projects:
NeuraViPeR - EU H2020 FET Open project on Neural Active Visual Prosthetics for Restoring Function.
SCIDVS - Swiss National Science Foundation project 200021_185069 to develop a scientific DVS event camera targeting neural imaging and other demanding scientific imaging applications.
Neural Control - Self-funded project to develop neural methods for nonlinear optimal control of robotic systems, see results from Telluride Neuromorphic Workshop.
NPP - Neuromorphic Processor Project, a Samsung Global Research Project to develop theory and hardware accelerators for deep neural network inference and training.
WeCare - Swiss National Science Foundation Sinergia project WeCare to develop a sweat biomonitoring platform.
HearEar - Swiss National Science Foundation funded project to develop a smart, low-power audio IoT for audio tasks such as keyword spotting.
Past projects:
VIPS: ultra-low power VIsual Perception System - Swiss National Science Foundation Bridge project 40B2-0_181010 to develop low-power vision edge devices.
NCCR Robotics- see also this link - Swiss National Foundation center to bring together robotics groups of Switzerland to develop new technologies.
SWITCHBOARD - H2020 European Initial Training Network (ITN) for basic research on biological retinas
ProbSens - Marie Curie postdoc fellowship for Josep Maria Margarit
COCOHA -European Union H2020 funded project which aims to develop a cognitively controlled hearing aid.
FRAS - Swiss National Science Foundation funded project to develop a fast auditory recognition system.
FLA - Flight Light Autonomy - A DARPA funded project with inilabs as one member. We are developing DVS/DAVIS sensors for agile drone flight
SEP - Swiss National Science Foundation funded project to develop inference hardware.
Visualise- European Union FP7 funded project which aims to examine the unique role that non-standard ganglion cells play in dynamic visual processes
SeeBetter- European Union funded FP7 project which aims to develop a new generation of event-driven silicon retinas inspired by the latest biological findings in retina research.
Dollbrain (Micropower integrated face and voice detection) - Swiss National Foundation funded project to design a low-power chip which recognizes the presence of a person.
COGAIN - Network of excellence on Communication by Gaze Interaction.
CAVIAR - European Commission FP5 project to develop a multi-chip vision system based on Address-Event Representation (AER) communication of spike events.
ADA- Intelligent playful space shown to more than 500k visitors for the Swiss Expo 2002.